Womb Hara Massage & Rebozo Wrap Treatment
A deeply nourishing and healing 2 hour offering
Dating back centuries, Temple Priestesses and women have practiced womb and abdominal massage to heal themselves and others.
Temple priestesses worked in feminine temples and were known as magical weavers of light, having the ability to awaken the womb.
Our womb really is the key to embodied feminine awakening. When our feminine and masculine presence become embodied in the pelvic bowl, we spark our innate magnetism, dropping into our centre and opening up to abundance with ease and flow.
The womb is the energetic centre of creative life force and feminine energy in the body, where we can birth all of our magical potentials from; whether that is birthing children, projects or ideas, and all that we wish to create in the world. The organs that reside within the abdominal region provide us with the breath of life that regulates the energy and blood of the whole body. The Hara, like the womb, is also a spirit gateway and relates to the energy centres of our solar plexus and sacral chakra. Womb Hara Massage will work to repair, bring balance, restoration to these centres and awaken our creative birthing potential and life force energy.
Acknowledging words & image @Institute of Feminine Arts
Massage of the abdominal, sacral and womb areas help to increase the flow of chi, one’s vital life for energy. It supports the clearing of blockages and stagnant energy held within the tissues of the body while restoring balance to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
These deeply healing and nourishing techniques are based on both western and eastern philosophies, to include a fusion of the ancient Chinese Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage, Mayan Abdominal & womb massage. Areas of focus will be the back, sacral area womb space, reproductive organs, large & small intestines, bladder and more. It is common for these organs, in these regions to stretch and weaken over time, causing what is called a “dropping”. Over 1/3 of women have some degree of pelvic area prolapse. While 50% of women in Australia, who have had one or more children have been reported to have some degree of prolapse.
Our gut wall houses over 70% of the cells that make up our immune system. These learned techniques can also benefit those experiencing IBS, Crohn’s disease, acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion, shallow breathing and deficiency of our yin energy. Most people store emotions of fear, depression, anxiety, anger, and worry within the abdominal region. Feelings of stress, overwhelm, overwork, poor food choices, difficulty sleeping, drugs, poor posture all amplify these negative emotions causing a lower of functionality to the organs held within the abdominal region.
The benefits of Womb and Hara Integrative Massage can support many issues including;
Pelvic pain
Sexual trauma and abuse
Menstrual pain and cycle-related challenges
Digestive issues such as appetite, constipation, gas and bloating
Ovarian cysts
Lower back pain, sacroiliac pain, sciatica and tightness of the sacrum
Organ prolapse
Fertility issues caused by mental, emotional and physical reasons
Energetic blockages caused by trauma in the body
Difficulties getting pregnant
Pre and post-menopausal